California is different and Trump’s election proves it
Telam, an Argentinian magazine, interviews Jay Rooney on the CNP and our path to independence. Note that the article is in Spanish, the excerpt below was translated. “…for every dollar that Californians pay in taxes, they get about 78 cents, when other states like Mississippi get between 2 and 4 dollars for every green […]
A Successful Path to a Peaceful Secession looks at the key elements of peaceful independence movements: Robert young, a professor of political science, wrote an interesting paper about how peaceful secessions happen. In it, he analyzes various secessions from the past and theorized that the long term success of the peaceful ones depended on their fitting a general pattern. He […]

Remembering Past Lessons
Editor’s note: While this blog was originally submitted in early January, the recent focus on immigrant targeting and deportation by the Trump administration makes this a very timely post, and underscores the California National Party’s commitment to a sensible, humane immigration and citizenship policy. “No one should ever be locked away simply because they […]

California National Party Backs Universal Health Care in California
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (Feb. 24, 2017) The repeal of the Affordable Care Act — a key element of the 45th Presidency — will have serious consequences. But the pro-independence California National Party (CNP) wants to replace it with universal health care for Californians, pointing out that it can be implemented even before independence. According to the […]

California National Party Statement on Oroville Dam Crisis
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media Contact Jay Rooney (510) 707-3998 OROVILLE, Calif. (Feb. 24, 2017)—As more than 180,000 Californians displaced by the recent Oroville dam crisis head home with only tenuous assurances of their continued safety, we at the California National Party wish to express our hope that Californians will pull together in order to […]

Reflections on Presidents Day
REFLECTIONS ON PRESIDENTS DAY “ Understanding the spirit of our institutions is to aim at the elevation of men, I am opposed to whatever tends to degrade them.” Abraham Lincoln, May 17, 1859 Letter to Theodore Canisius To truly observe Presidents Day we are obliged to reflect on one of the most influential men in our country’s […]

CNP Recognized as “seeking qualification”
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media Contact Jay Rooney (510) 707-3998 California National Party Hits Milestone Officially Recognized by California Secretary of State as “Seeking Qualification Status” SACRAMENTO, Calif. (Feb. 17, 2017)—After an election cycle rife with discord, many have begun to look toward new alternatives in political representation. Among these is the California National Party […]

Californian Independence survey
The latest polling data shows over 13 million Californians support independence, but there’s not much data available about what unites this group. Please fill out this short survey on your background and priorities to help us better understand what you care about, track whether we are meeting our goal of building a diverse and inclusive […]

A Velvet Divorce
I am a Californian. For fifty years, starting with Edmund Brown Sr, I have supported Democratic candidates in state and national races. This election, however, with the victory of the most odious man to ever emerge on the American political scene, has been a game changer from me. I changed my California voter registration to […]

Of War and Peace
It’s clearly stated in the introduction to the California National Party platform: “The CNP is committed to working – through peaceful and democratic means – toward a legally binding referendum on independence.” The italics are mine, for emphasis. Five words that are more than an overarching description of our fundamental philosophy. I see them as […]