Facing the Climate Crisis Part 1 (of 3), or “Greta Thunberg, This Decade is for you!”
In December of 2018 a 15 year old autistic teenager from Sweden, Greta Thunberg, stood on stage and schooled me about the climate crisis. She educated my generation. She scolded world leaders. She challenged the planet. I could see in her face and hear in her words that being on stage, speaking to the TEDx-Stockholm […]

Welcome to Our New Website
We’d like to welcome you to the new, redesigned California National Party website! We hope that this new layout will make it easier for you to learn more about us and find opportunities to contribute to the growth of both the party and a new form of California politics. Among the improvements we’ve made, beyond […]

Sea Level Rise: The Climate Crisis on Your Doorstep
Do you live in California? If yes, then I am betting you live somewhere in the west. And if you are in one of our largest cities, you are very likely facing one of the biggest threats to your life as you know it: sea level rise. There is a new study out, and it […]

PG&E: Too Big to Work
On Monday, Pacific Gas and Electric announced its intent to file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection, proving what many Californians have known for years—PG&E is not too big to fail; it’s failing already. November’s Camp Fire is only the most recent in a series of destructive events, such as 2017’s fires in the North Bay […]

Time to move over, America
“America isn’t the greatest country in the world,” begins Jeff Bridges during the opening segment of the TV series The Newsroom. We, the audience, are then schooled on exactly how America isn’t the greatest country in the world. It’s an inspiring rant that gives voice to something deep: the idea that ‘We used to be…’ […]

Could California succeed at banking where Wall Street fails?
This is the kind of thing that we could do before California gains independence from the United States: If California had a bank controlled by the government rather than profit-hungry shareholders, public banking advocates argue, the state could fund social goods that often get the cold shoulder from commercial institutions: infrastructure projects, low-interest student loans […]

Immigration Benefits All of California
California has a long history of immigration, and part of our strength comes from welcoming those who come from other countries, regardless of their personal reasons for immigrating. More that 1 out of every 4 Californians, over 10 million people, were born outside of the United States; and 25 percent of these newcomers, or 2.4 […]

Our Stand on Propositions 6 and 10
California National Party Statement on Prop. 6 That the California gas tax is regressive, often hitting the most economically vulnerable communities hardest, is clear. As a flat tax spread over diverse socio-economic regions, more sparsely populated areas with generally lower income levels pay a greater share of their income for a more necessary activity. Such […]

Reflections on a Platform
I was one of the dozens of CNP members who contributed to the recent 2018 platform revision. It was nearly a year’s work to shape the then-existing 2016 platform into what exists now, but such revisions are necessary, since a platform is the means by which a party defines itself. This is no small task […]

This year it’s en vogue to assume that the success of California rests on its destruction. Tim Draper’s foolish Cal3 initiative claimed that California has become too unwieldy to be successfully governed. While surely large in terms of population and economy, one wonders how Draper believes nations greater in both, like Germany and Japan, manage […]