California National Party Stands In Solidarity With Victims of Charlottesville
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media Contact Don Gomez (760) 893-6775 donald.gomez82@gmail.com California National Party Stands In Solidarity With Victims of Charlottesville SACRAMENTO, Calif. (August 18, 2017) Last weekend in Charlottesville, VA dozens were injured and three killed in connection with the “Unite the Right” Rally taking place there. Rally attendees, many of whom came armed […]

First Issue of “The Grizzly” !
Welcome to the inaugural edition of “The Grizzly”. This is a new publication that is interested in the concept of Independence for California. I have noticed ever since the independence movement has ramped up in California, a lot of misinformation has been spread about the concept. Considering that 1 in 3 Californians support independence for California, the […]

2017 Convention in San Francisco
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Margo Drgos, Acting Press Secretary California National Party 310-849-5857 Margo.Drgos@CaliforniaNational.Party Click here to register for the Convention. California National Party to Hold August Convention SACRAMENTO, Calif. (July 11, 2017) – The California National Party has scheduled its next San Francisco convention for August 13 at the recently renovated Betty Ong Rec Center […]

Visit CNP at Politicon
The unconventional political convention July 29 & 30 | Pasadena Convention Center CNP will host a table in the Democracy Village exhibitor space all weekend. Stop by to chat, pick up some literature, change your voter registration, make a donation, and buy cool CNP merch. Get the details here. #politicon

Dreamin’ of independence from Trump’s America
Our LA chapter co-chair, Linda Daly, writes for the SF Chronicle on how the election of Donald Trump prompted her to work for Californian independence. I had not been politically active on the national level in years. Sure, I voted for whom I felt best represented my position, but sometimes it was just to retain the […]
An independent California? In the age of Trump, some want just that
From The New Daily, in Australia An independent California would be a progressive powerhouse that could rival the world’s largest economies, according to supporters of a growing breakaway movement. Calls for an independent California – dubbed ‘#Calexit’ – have grown louder since Donald Trump swept to power in November, prompting serious coverage in American news media. With the President’s hardline […]
California is different and Trump’s election proves it
Telam, an Argentinian magazine, interviews Jay Rooney on the CNP and our path to independence. Note that the article is in Spanish, the excerpt below was translated. http://www.telam.com.ar/notas/201702/180488-california-independencia-partido-nacional-trump-migracion-jay-rooney.html “…for every dollar that Californians pay in taxes, they get about 78 cents, when other states like Mississippi get between 2 and 4 dollars for every green […]
A Successful Path to a Peaceful Secession
IndependentCalifornia.net looks at the key elements of peaceful independence movements: http://independentcalifornia.net/portfolio-item/a-successful-path-to-a-peaceful-secession/ Robert young, a professor of political science, wrote an interesting paper about how peaceful secessions happen. In it, he analyzes various secessions from the past and theorized that the long term success of the peaceful ones depended on their fitting a general pattern. He […]

Californian Independence survey
The latest polling data shows over 13 million Californians support independence, but there’s not much data available about what unites this group. Please fill out this short survey on your background and priorities to help us better understand what you care about, track whether we are meeting our goal of building a diverse and inclusive […]

Californians use SNP independence plan in bid to break away from USA
by Greg Russell, Journalist / @MediaNetScot http://www.thenational.scot/politics/15023349.Californians_use_SNP_independence_plan_in_bid_to_break_away_from_USA/ THE independence-seeking California National Party (CNP) is basing its strategy on that used by the SNP in the 2014 referendum campaign as it works to become a recognized party with its own place on polling forms. Jed Wheeler, vice chair of the CNP, was in Scotland as an indyref […]