Help Not Wanted

In Spring of 2020, accounts of seeming Iranian origin started tweeting messages with the #CalExit hashtag. Often the messages were in Farsi. Other times they were in English. Some had images of the summarily executed Qasem Soleimani in the landing pages of the accounts. One tweet expressed support for California’s independence while attacking Israel. Iranian […]

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CNP San Diego Says No to Measure C

San Diego County has many plebiscites on its March 2020 ballot. Two are focused on managing the development of rural areas. One is yet another bond to redevelop the convention center. Two of these three claims they will help with San Diego’s homelessness crisis. The City of San Diego’s Measure C has lots of words […]

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Intolerance vs. Literacy

A right-wing, quasi-religious group is protesting Drag Queen Story Time at the Chula Vista Library. Contrary to these bigoted protests, which attack both the development of childhood literacy skills as well as the open and tolerant society California has sought to build, the California National Party supports this event and others throughout California–regardless of ethnicity, […]

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Could California succeed at banking where Wall Street fails?

This is the kind of thing that we could do before California gains independence from the United States: If California had a bank controlled by the government rather than profit-hungry shareholders, public banking advocates argue, the state could fund social goods that often get the cold shoulder from commercial institutions: infrastructure projects, low-interest student loans […]

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California National Party comment on the General Election on November 6th, 2018

The gavel passes back to a known quantity. Nancy Pelosi might be every right-wing zealot’s favorite piñata, but those in and around the house know and respect – if not fear – her command of her caucus in the House of Representatives. All partisan Democrats place this characteristic of Ms. Pelosi’s above any criticism – […]

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The California National Party Calls on The San Diego County Board of Supervisors to not join Federal Lawsuit against The State of California over SB54

The California Values Act (SB54) ensures that no state or local resources are diverted to fuel any attempt by the federal government to carry out mass deportations. However, the Federal Government has filed a lawsuit against the State of California in reaction to the passage of this Act, and it has been announced that the […]

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The Only Way out for Undocumented Californians

The United States’ Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency is making it known that there is no place that they won’t go to snatch undocumented people or those people with less than perfect status to deport them. They are making good on those threats in and out of California. In some respects, the acceleration of deportations […]

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