CNP Statement on walkout of RNC delegates

The recent walkout of the Colorado delegation at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland underlines the sad state of American politics. The National Republican party’s continued lack of respect for the rule of law is appalling.  The GOP’s national leadership repeatedly denied their member’s requests for a roll-call vote on the rules under which the convention […]

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On June 13 I left the Democratic Party and joined the California National Party. Since then, I have been learning about independence movements across the United States, however, there is a shortage of material on the subject. This series of articles is meant to rectify that.

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CNP statement on Police reform

The California National Party is horrified at the ongoing specter of violence against citizens by police within the United States, as well as the recent shooting of officers in Dallas. The time for platitudes has passed, we need real solutions.  Therefore, we propose the following reforms which can be immediately enacted within California and replicated elsewhere to […]

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The recent British exit (#Brexit) from the EU has ignited a firestorm of controversy and headlines around the world, and created interest in other independence movements everywhere. The CNP in particular has seen an upsurge in interest and new members and on twitter #CalExit started trending organically. So where do we stand on the EU […]

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The blood of Oaxaca

The CNP stands with our brothers and sisters who seek greater autonomy in how they conduct their lives in Oaxaca. We are appalled by the ongoing violence against indigenous people and other oppressed communities in Oaxaca. As of now at least ten people have been killed and dozens of more are injured. The California National […]

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The Texit: Britain’s EU departure is inspiring more independence movements | VICE News

From Quebec to Catalonia, independence movements in North America and Europe have taken note of the Brexit and are using it to rally their troops. Source: The Texit: Britain’s EU departure is inspiring more independence movements | VICE News

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California Passes France As World’s 6th-Largest Economy

California’s robust economy helped it leapfrog over France. (Reuters) – California is now the sixth-largest economy in the world, surpassing France, thanks to a robust state economy and strong U.S. dollar. California was the world’s eighth-largest economy in 2014, Irena Asmundson, chief economist of the California Department of Finance, said in a phone interview on […]

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Meet the California Separatists Leading a New Movement to Secede from the United States | VICE | United States

Taking its inspiration from Scotland’s independence movement, the California National Party thinks the US won’t even miss its left coast. Source: Meet the California Separatists Leading a New Movement to Secede from the United States | VICE | United States

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