“Why we want independence!” video – call for donations

Let’s get the message out and spread the word with new video ads! A coalition of volunteers, both in front of and behind the cameras, will be shooting “from the heart” interviews in the Los Angeles and San Francisco areas with real Californians, and recording their stories of why they seek independence. This footage will […]

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CNP calls for California to sign Paris climate accord

Press Release December 13, 2016  The California National Party (CNP) calls on Governor Jerry Brown to make California a signatory subject to ratification to the Paris Climate Accords.  Signing the Paris Climate Accords subject to ratification would signal California’s current and future commitment to the goals and provisions of the Paris Climate Accords no matter […]

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Trump’s America vs. California

Walking around my small California beach town, it’s become harder and harder to not have a sense of a storm approaching, or a dimming of light, despite the beauty of my surroundings. Nothing has physically changed since the election; there’s been no great upheaval as of yet. But there’s something in the air that’s wrong. […]

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To Calexiters: A Message from a Comrade in Colorado

Dear Calexiters, I have to say that I’m overjoyed that secession is being stolen from the right (in all due respect to Vermont), but I’m disappointed California is ignoring some of its natural allies to the North and near East.  Demographic and migratory shifts are creating a progressive ” J” of states, where the West Coast is being joined […]

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Constitutional Loopholes for Independence – Medium

How the U.S. could set a state free, without a constitutional amendment Could the United States let a state become an independent country, if the political will existed to do so? Or would such an effort founder on the United States’ extremely high bar for amending its constitution? In this article, I’m going to demonstrate […]

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California has good reasons to secede, but a noble reason to stay

The LA times discusses some of the arguments around independence before concluding that we should give up our goal of having a sane government that actually represents us so we can “Save America.”  Never mind that we are far too under-represented in America to actually save America from anything! As early as 1803, Federalists in […]

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California National Party Challenges Governor of Mississippi to Submit to Drug Testing

As a member of the California National Party, I’m issuing the following challenge to Dewey Phillip Bryant, Governor of the state of Mississippi: Governor Bryant, in 2014 you signed into law House Bill 49, which requires certain applicants for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) in Mississippi to submit to mandatory drug testing before receiving […]

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#Calexit independence movement sees exponential post-election growth, as thousands flock to California National Party

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media Contact Jed Wheeler secretary@californianational.party #Calexit independence movement sees exponential post-election growth, as thousands flock to California National Party SACRAMENTO, Calif.—. In the two weeks since the U.S. presidential election, the pro-independence California National Party (CNP) has seen over 3,000 new supporters and five new regional chapters established. Party officials attribute the […]

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How real is #Calexit? California really could secede. – The Caffeinated Writer – Medium

There are a lot of red state voters who wouldn’t mind cutting California loose. People hate California because it’s big, it wields a massive share of electoral votes (55), and the loudest voices in the Golden State are pro-gay, pro-choice, and pro-Obama. Californians, meanwhile, get tired of being vilified. They point to the state’s enormous […]

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Separation of Church and State

I was born in sunny SoCal, but spent most of my life in religious states.  My parents returned to Utah the summer before I started Kindergarten.  My siblings were Kenny (12), Laura (11), Joe (9), Peggy (8), and at the end of August 1963, a baby brother joined us, named Vernon after a famous baseball […]

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