We build opportunities – not walls!
WE BUILD OPPORTUNITIES, NOT WALLS LOS ANGELES, January 30, 2017- California has always been a home for immigrants and throughout our history we have celebrated our great diversity. The executive order of the President of the United States to build a wall along the southern border is simply a waste of resources. This ridiculous proposal, […]

Think of an Independent California
It’s easy to look at the results of this past election with a real and grim sense of foreboding. America has voted in the worst sort of incompetent to ever occupy the Oval Office. Any thinking person with moderate intelligence can realize there is no scenario where this could possibly end well. But, for Californians […]

California’s Education Crisis
Coastal elite. For anyone not familiar with the conservative lingo, it is a term often accompanied by accusations of being intellectually antagonistic. This term is slung around like an insult, although like most Californians, it’s a mantle I take no shame in bearing. If I am to be marked with a scarlet emblem, coastal elite […]

Sacramento CNP Women’s March Address, January 21, 2016
Yesterday our American friends chose their President, a President California emphatically did NOT choose. Today the California National Party attends Women’s Marches all across California, to show our solidarity and support for all Californians and in particular, with all women, as together we face difficult times ahead. The California National Party is comprised only of […]
New Wave of Deceptive Attacks on Grassroots California Movement
Media Contact Jay Rooney (510) 707-3998 jay.rooney@californianational.party SACRAMENTO, Calif. (January 20, 2017)—The progressive California National Party (CNP) has reaffirmed its commitment to fight for Californian values and autonomy from the U.S. in the face of new attacks from the leadership of Russian-linked Yes California (YC). This new round of attacks, apparently meant to deceive the […]

CNP Statement on Trump Inauguration
Today, America inaugurated a far-right reality TV star with not a single day of governing experience to his credit. Frighteningly, outside of California (where he lost 2-1) Trump actually won the support of the majority of American voters. This election has further illuminated the stark difference in values between Californians and Americans. While we are […]
Response to the latest YesCalifornia attacks
Once again, it has become necessary for the California National Party (CNP) to state clearly, and in no uncertain terms, that we are in no way connected to, affiliated with, or a part of Yes California (YC). Any claims they make to the contrary are false. California National Party leadership is aware of YC’s current […]

Divine Dissatisfaction and Audacious Faith
A special guest blog: At times the quest for a free, independent and prosperous California nation may seem a quixotic one. The tides we swim against are entrenched and powerful. On this day that marks the memory of one of the greatest leaders in American history, I felt it only fitting to let Dr. Martin […]

Californians use SNP independence plan in bid to break away from USA
by Greg Russell, Journalist / @MediaNetScot http://www.thenational.scot/politics/15023349.Californians_use_SNP_independence_plan_in_bid_to_break_away_from_USA/ THE independence-seeking California National Party (CNP) is basing its strategy on that used by the SNP in the 2014 referendum campaign as it works to become a recognized party with its own place on polling forms. Jed Wheeler, vice chair of the CNP, was in Scotland as an indyref […]
CNP Weekly bulletin 1/9/17
CNP Weekly Bulletin January 9, 2017 EVENTS Los Angeles Women’s March: Sunday, January 21 9AM- 4PM CNP will have an information booth at Pershing Square Save the Date: CNP Convention Saturday, March 11 at the Santa Monica Public Library Los Angeles Area Video Shoot:Tuesday, January 10 at 10AM, contact @willowpolson on Slack MEETINGS Bay Area Chapter: Sunday, […]