Biden Won, but Did California?
Like much of the world, the California National Party (CNP) has waited these last few days to learn which path the United States has chosen to take. While we are grateful that American voters have rejected four more years of Trumpism, we ask our fellow Californians to recognize that nothing has fundamentally changed for us. […]

Help Not Wanted
In Spring of 2020, accounts of seeming Iranian origin started tweeting messages with the #CalExit hashtag. Often the messages were in Farsi. Other times they were in English. Some had images of the summarily executed Qasem Soleimani in the landing pages of the accounts. One tweet expressed support for California’s independence while attacking Israel. Iranian […]

CNP San Diego Says No to Measure C
San Diego County has many plebiscites on its March 2020 ballot. Two are focused on managing the development of rural areas. One is yet another bond to redevelop the convention center. Two of these three claims they will help with San Diego’s homelessness crisis. The City of San Diego’s Measure C has lots of words […]

Primary Voting for CNP Supporters
Until the California National Party reaches qualified status (0.33% of all California voters registered as CNP), the Secretary of State views all voters registered with the California National Party as equivalent to No Party Preference (NPP) voters. Your No Party Preference ballot will not have any presidential candidates on it, because the CNP is not […]

Ricardo Lara has got to go
Insurance Commissioner Lara’s many indiscretions have been ably laid out in a Sacramento Bee Op-Ed questioning if he will even make it through his first term. He has taken money from insurance companies and their lobbyists when he promised he would not. He charges taxpayers for a second residence in Sacramento while many Californians struggle […]

Intolerance vs. Literacy
A right-wing, quasi-religious group is protesting Drag Queen Story Time at the Chula Vista Library. Contrary to these bigoted protests, which attack both the development of childhood literacy skills as well as the open and tolerant society California has sought to build, the California National Party supports this event and others throughout California–regardless of ethnicity, […]

We Agree, Las Vegas Sun
On July 25th, a letter to the editor of the Las Vegas Sun made mention of California independence. Party chair Michael Loebs wrote and submitted the following response, which The Sun elected not to publish. We have therefore decided to post our response here. *** Bruce Kesselman’s letter of July 25th is correct: the solution […]

Facing the Climate Crisis, Part 2, or “What is California doing?”
California news cycles balloon seasonally with natural disasters that burn towns to the ground and bury our communities in mud. Sea level rise is happening as I type, and it’s not magically going away. Storms and accompanying surges continue to worsen, threatening coastal towns and cities. How do we save them? Droughts starve our crops […]

The Future is Now!
Economists and business leaders are saying that as a result of advances in automation and artificial intelligence, and the growth of robotics, fewer workers will be needed as we move into the future. 25% of current jobs are at high risk of automation and another 36% are at risk of automation within the next two […]

Team and Nation Building: California Football Federation
In the 1989 Kevin Costner-James Earl Jones feature film ‘Field of Dreams’, an Iowa corn farmer hears voices urging him to construct a baseball diamond in his field. He builds it, and magically the 1919 Chicago White Sox appear and play for him and his neighbors. In 2007, magic became reality, as a group of […]